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Monday, October 23, 2006

A 9/11 victim?

This is just a warmed up inheritance story. They are just trying to spice it up by using 9/11 as a background.

---------------- Original Message --------------
Subject: Mutual Relationship (21-Okt-2006 10:29)

Greetings to you and your family,

I choose to reach you today by email because it is the fastest and most secured means of communication available to me right now. However,this correspondence is un-official and private,and should be treated with confidentiality.

I am Mr.Daniel Gerard,a senior account manager with Shanghai Commercial Bank,London branch; I am contacting you based on trust and confidentiality that will be attached to this transaction.

The Management and the Legal department of my Bank in a recent meeting, recommended that the account of one of my late client CANTOR FITZGERALD,who was one of my branch depositors,if yet unclaimed by next month should be declared dormant and sent to the Bank's Treasury according to our Banking and financial law.

My late client CANTOR FITZGERALD,died in world trade centre september 11,2001 incident that befell the United State of America, ever since the incident the bank has made series of efforts to contact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success, you can confirm through this site:

CANTOR FITZGERALD is a national of your country and worked as an expertriate with an oil firm here,he is an account holder in my branch, he owns a dollar account with the sum of US$6,200,000.00 (Six Million, two hundred thousand United States Dollars only) deposited in a fixed deposit account with my branch .In fact, since his death, no next of kin of the Dollar account holder(the brother) nor any relative of his has shown up to claim his money because he has the account as a secret account thus he left all the documents for the deposit with me.

I am fully convinced that no one will come forward to claim the funds before the given period,this is where I am interested and why I want to present you as the relation of the deceased,I will use my position here in the bank and give you the relevant documents and contacts to file the application and then effect the approvals for the transfer of the money to your nominated bank account, I will be the one to provide the vital documents for the claims of the money and then advise you exactly how we should handle it.

Please include your Private Telephone/Fax Number/Contact Address when replying this mail and I will give you more information as soon as you indicate your willingness to assist in this transaction.

Do not be bothered that you are not related in any way to to my late client as I am in position to afix your name as the next of kin.

The whole Procedures will last only 7 working days to get the fund retrieved successfully.After the transfer of the money we shall share the money 60-40,that is I will have 60% while you will have 40%.

I await your urgent response to this mail.Reply to my Private E-mail:
Yours truly,
Mr.Daniel Gerard

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An unusual Andreas Schranner e-mail

The Andreas Schranner story has been around some years now. This e-mail is unusual in that it has both German and English versions in one e-mail.

Believe it or not, the translation is better than a lot of German translations which I have received in the past.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Angebot (23-Okt-2006 0:00)

Sehr geehter ,

Mein Name ist Chris Nissen ich bin der Leiter in der Standard Bank Plc in Südafrika. Zur Zeit halte ich mich in den Niederlanden zu einer Fortbildung auf. Ich kontaktiere Sie bezüglich des Transfers einer sehr großen Summe Geldes vom Konto eines Verstorbenen. Ich weiß, daß eine Transaktion dieser Größenordnung zunächst bei jedem Besorgnis erregen wird und versichere ich Ihnen, daß sich um alles gekümmert wird.Aufgrund der Dringlichkeit der Angelegenheit habe ich mich entschlossen, Sie zu kontaktieren.

Es geht um folgendes:
Einer meiner Kollegen ist für das Konto von Herr.Andreas Schranner zuständig, der gemeinsam mit seiner Frau im Oktober bei auszahlen, bevor jemand als Angehöriger und Erbe auftritt und seinen Anspruch geltend macht.

Aufgrund dieser Entdeckung und der Übereinstimmung Ihres Namens mit dem des Verstorbenen bitten meine Kollegen und ich Sie nun um Ihre Erlaubnis, Sie als nächsten Angehörigen des Verstorbenen anzugeben. Die gesamte Abwicklung und Dokumentation wird sorgfältig von mir durchgeführt, damit das Guthaben von 10.5 Millionen US$ an Sie als nächsten Angehörigen ausgezahlt werden kann.

Andernfalls wird die gesamte Summe nach fünf Jahren in das Eigentum der Bank übergehen und die Direktoren der Bank werden sie untereinander aufteilen. Aufgrund dieser Tatsache habe ich mich entschlossen, mich an Sie zu wenden, damit Sie als Erbe auftreten können und nicht alles den Direktoren zugute kommt. Da aber die Person, die im Testament als Erbin genannt wird, mit ihm gemeinsam verstorben ist, haben wir vom Nachlaßverwalter den Auftrag bekommen, ein Familienmitglied des Verstorbenen ausfindig zu machen, daß das Erbe antreten kann.

Wir bitten Sie, unseren Vorschlag anzunehmen und versichern Ihnen, daß alles absolut risikofrei für Sie ablaufen wird.

Wir werden Sie mit 25% an der Transaktion beteiligen, den restlichen Betrag werden meine Kollegen und ich für. Falls Sie interessiert sind, schicken Sie mir bitte folgende Angaben:

1. Name/Firmen name um die erforderlichen Dokumente vorzubereitenp
2. Persönliche Telefon-, Fax-Nummern

Damit ich Ihnen die weiteren relevanten Details in dieser Sache mitteilen kann. Vielen Dank im voraus.

Wir bitten sie eindringlich, die Angelegenheit vertraulich zu behandeln.
Bitte antworten Sie mir schnellstmöglich und Gott segne sie.

Mit freundlichen grussen.
Chris Nissen:-

Dear sir/madam,

My Name is CHRIS NISSEN. A credit officer with one of the leading Bank in Republic of South Africa, I am presently in Europe to monitor the transfer and safe keeping of our late foreign customers Funds ''LATE.MR.ANDREAS SCHRANNER'' from GERMANY. I and My colleague was the personal account officer to our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in
July 2000 in a plane crash leaving behind a total sum of (USD10.5MILLION) in our Bank.

Details of the tragedy can be found in this page below:

Since we got information about his death, I have been expecting his Next of kin to come over and claim his ''Funds'' because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as (i) next of kin, (ii) relation, (iii) Appointed beneficiary to the Deceased as indicated in our guidelines and laws but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim.

It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go into the Apex bank treasury as unclaimed bills. The banking law and guidelines here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after Six years, the money will be transferred into the Apex bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and an Indigene cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. Your percentage will be declared to you as soon as you indicate your interest.

Therefore, to enable the immediate claims of this fund by you in line with our perfected modality; you must apply first as relation or next of kin of the deceased.

Please kindly indicate the following in your response:
1. Your full name and address
2. Your telephone and fax number for easy communication.
3. Your company's name and address.

I want you to note that all I need from you is your honesty, trustworthiness and commitment in executing this mutual business transaction.

Upon receipt of your reply, I will contact you to give more details. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is 100% risk free.

You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter.

Yours Faithfully,

Chris Nissen.

Note: I am disposed to entertain any question (s) from you with respect to this transaction, please treat with the strictest confidentiality and utmost urgency, for confidentiality reasons and to avoid exposure, please direct your reply to my private email

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Another heart rendering "I've got cancer" story

This is another rehashed tear jerker ...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Passionate Appeal. (12-Okt-2006 3:19)
To: undisclosed-recipients

From: Mrs. Safina Roland

Greetings in the name of God. Please let this not sound strange to you.I
am deaf and suffering from a long time cancer of the brian which affected
my brain, from all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it
is quite obvious that according to my doctors they have advised me that I
may not live for the next six months, this is because the cancer stage has
gotten to a very bad stage. I was brought up from a motherless baby's
home, married to my late husband for twenty years without a child. My
husband died in a fatal motor accident. Before his death we were true

Since his death I decided not to re-marry, I sold all my inherited
belongings and deposited the sum of US$18.3 million dollars with a
Security Company. Presently this money is still with them and the
management just wrote me as the true owner to come forward to receive the
money or issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my
behalf since I can not come over because of my illness. Presently I'm with
my lap top in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for cancer
of the lungs. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have
told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see
that this money is invested to any organization of your choice and
distributed each year among the charity organization, the poor and the
motherless baby's home where I come from. I want you God fearing to
also use this money to fund churches, orphanages and widows.

If you are interested, please contact my Late Husband's Lawyer Barr.
Anthony Michy on email: with the bellow informations.
Then he will give you the contact of the Finance House, and will also
issue you a letter of authority that will prove you as the new beneficiary
of this fund. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated

Full names_________________
Contact Address________________
Telephone/fax numbers____________

God bless you.

Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Safina Roland.

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Global Mega Lottery and Africans

Now this one is a bit confusing. They say I have won in the Global Mega Lottery but have UK National Lottery in the footnote.

The message is from Adam Smith in London, but I will be contacted by a South African agent?

Don't these people know you never trust an "African" bearing tidings of a Lottery Prize?

-------- Original Message --------


From: Mr. Adam Smith.
Global Mega Lottery (Pty) London.
Headquarters: No: 11 Vits Street Opp City Complex.
United Kingdom.
Customer Service: 580 NCA 85914
Ref: FLS-ZR39-825P-4.
Batch: 74-263-BBN.



We happily announce to you the computer draw of the Global Mega Lottery (Pty) International programs held on the 23rd Oct. 2006 in United Kingdom.Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 100-309-7482 with! Serial number 513-10 drew the winning: 2,9,22,23,24,30,+5, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category.

You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$1,950,000.00 (One Million Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) in cash credited to file KPC/9080118308/02.This is from a total cash prize of US $13,650,000.00 Million dollars, shared amongst the Seven luckywinners in the second category world-wide. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our Afro booklet representative office in Africa as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your US$1,950,000.00 (One Million Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) would be released to you by First National Bank South Africa.

Our African agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draws system and extracted from over 10,000,00 companies. This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements. Please be warned. To file for your claim, please contact our corresponding agent in South Africa immediately you read this message for quick and urgent release of your fund, contact information is as follows: -
Claim Agent: Mr. Loenard Dembo.
Tel : +27 83 539 3027.

Please be informed that you must contact your claim agent in South Africa to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please quote your reference/batch numbers in any correspondences with our designated agents or us.

Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program that has successfully won this competition. Thank you for being part of our promotional lottery program.

Mr. Adam Smith.
United Kingdom Zonal Co-coordinator.

Sweepstakes International Program.
Copyright © 1994-2005 The UK National Lottery Inc.
All rights reserved. Terms of Service - Guidelines

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Don't trust the Global Trust Company

Sometimes it's hard to understand what these people are talking about. This is one of those kind of messages.

Have you any idea what "dumorage" means?

-------- Original Message --------
To: undisclosed-recipients


This is to inform you that I have paid the
delivering charge and the other
charges for your Draft .

Your have to contact the Global Trust Security
Company to know when your Package
will deliver to your Door step.

But you have to keep small money for the keeping
of your package i would had pay that but they said
no because to contact you may take time in case
of dumorage.

I have concluded the instruction from my boss.
Contact the Director General Dr Mike Ene
for you tracking number to track your package
and know when it will arrival to your address.

Contact Dr.Mike Ene.
Phone number +229-93801063
Barrister Ahmed Dabbous.

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Another million deal from Zimbabwe

It looks as though the "son of a Zimbabwe farmer" deal is still being used. The question is how well does it convert to cash. I would say, not half as good as the lottery mails.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: URGENT ASSISTANCE (23-Okt-2006 8:48)




My names is Mr Richard Zundi, the elder son of Mr. Andrew Smith Zundi, of Zimbabwe. It might be a surprise to you where I got your contact address from,I got it from the South Africa Information Network Online(SAINL)/South Africa Trade Center (SATC).

During the current crises against the farmers of Zimbabwe by the supporters of our President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white owned farms in our country, he ordered all the white farmers to surrender their farms to his party members and their followers. My father was one of the best farmers in the country and knowing that he did not support the president’s political ideology, the president’s supporters invaded my father’s farm ,burnt down everything, shot him and as a result of the wounds sustained, he became sick and died after two days.And after his death, My mother and I with my younger Brother decided to move out of Zimbabwe for the safety of our lives to South-Africa.


l deposited the money in your Name "RICHARD ZUNDI" and it can be claimed by you alone with the deposit code, your mother has all the documents,Take good care of your mother and brother." From the above, you will understand that the lives and future of my family depends on this money as much, I will be very grateful if you can assist us.We are now living in South-Africa as POLITICAL ASYLUM SEEKERS and the financial law of SOUTH-AFRICA does not allow ASYLUM SEEKERS certain financial rights to such huge amount of money .
In view of this, I cannot invest this money in South-Africa, hence I am asking you to assist us transfer this money out of South-Africa for investment pusposes. For your efforts, I am prepared to offer you 20% of the total fund, while 5% will be set aside for local and international expenses and 75% will be kept for my family and I.(ME). Finally ,modalities on how the transfer will be done will be conveyed to you once we establish trust and confidence between ourselves.Looking forward to your urgent reply or call me +27- 83 542-4155. FAX +27-11-219-7100


All the best,


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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Does Jean Bertrand Aristide really need your help?

This one has been kept short and sweet. Just to add a bit of flavour, Richard says the money belongs to the former Haitian premier, Aristide.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: TRANSACTION OUTLINE FOR YOU (13-Okt-2006 12:33)
To: undisclosed-recipients


I am contacting you base on the recommendation by Jean Bertrand Aristide former Haiti president who was forced into exile and currently in Bangui in Central African Republic

He has directed me to contact you and seek your assistance to help him manage a financial portfolio of over USD$22,000,000.00 (Twenty Two Million Dollars) and he want you to claim this funds and put it into a partnership investment which will be constituted between you and him. He also advice that you protect his interest in his present situation as he can not monitor
this deposit assets.

Please indicate your interest, to enable me furnish you with full information concerning this matter.

Your Sincerely,

Richard Whales.

Another Kabila son from the Congo?

This is fresh in just this minute! I wonder how many children Kabila really had. What do you think?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: urgent reply needed (15-Okt-2006 13:28)

ATTN: Dear,

It is with heart full of hope that I write to seek your help in the context below. I am Mr. Claudio Kabila, the second son of the late Laurent Kabila Former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C) whose sudden death occurred in January 2001. Having gotten your particulars from my late father's library, I have no doubt to your capacity and goodwill to assist me in receiving into your custody (for safety) the sum of US$37 million willed and deposited in the favor of myself and my mother who is thesecond wife of the late president.

This money is currently kept in a trust deposit vault with a Finance and Security company here in (DUBAI) However, the new Government headed by my step brother Joseph has on assumption of office setup an inquiry to recover all the assets belonging to my late dad including cash and properties with the pretence of safe-keeping, but with actual intentionof personal inheritance. All this because we are from a polygamous family. The investigation team has submitted their report, presently some cash andassets have been seized.

Fortunately, I managed to escape from the country,and with the help of our lawyer, I am presently living as a refugee here until I succeed in the transaction and due to the situation of things our lawyer has strictly advised that the willed money be urgently mved into an over-seas account of a trusted Foreign family friend without delay for security reasons. I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this call (SOS) to save my entire family and me froma hopeless future.

I hereby agree to compensate your sincere effort in this regard with 20% of the fund, when finally received in your local Bank account. The attorneyhere has perfected arrangements with the Bankers to effect complete dislodgment of this money within a week of the receipt of your response through telephone and fax. They have equally guaranteed 100% risk free and smooth transfer.reply me via e-mail:

Best Wishes
Mr. Claudio Kabila ,

I look forward to your quick response. May God bless you.

Stashed Iraqi Money at the Hang Seng Bank

I am sure that there is a lot of money lost and found in Iraq after the 2nd Gulf War. This is just good story material for the 419 crooks!

--------------- Original Message --------------------
Subject: RESPONSE NEEDED (13-Okt-2006 17:04)

Hang Seng Bank Ltd, Stashe
Taikoo Shing Branch,
25 Taikoo Shing Road,
Hong Kong.

Dear Friend,

Let me start by introducing myself.I am Mr.Patrick Chan Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd.I have a secured business suggestion for you.
Before the U.S and Iraqi war our client Col. Hosam Hassan who was with the Iraqi forces and also business man made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of Thirty million United State Dollars only in my branch. Upon maturity several notice was sent to him,even during the war early this year.Again after the war another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later find out that Col.Hosam Hassan and his famil y had been killed during the war in bomb blast that hit their home.

After further investigation it was also discovered that Col. Hosam Hassan did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank.So, Thirty million United State Dollar is still lying in my bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it.What bothers me most is that according to the laws of my country at the expiration 4 years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Col. Hosam Hassan so that you will be able to receive his funds.


I want you to know that I have had e verything planned out so that weshall come out successful. I have contacted an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to Col.Hosam Hassan , all that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the move of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going to adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.

Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall share in the ratio of 60% for me, 40% for y ou, Should you be interested please send me informations below,
1. Full names
2. Private phone number
3. Current residential address.

If interested i will prefer you reach me on my private email address below:

And finally after that i shall provide you with more details on this transaction.Your earliest response to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Mr.Patrick K.W Chan.

Now this is an original story

The Africans are always trying out new stories. Just look at what this one is talking about. Torture, Nuclear Bombs, Drugs and Cash! Unbelievable!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Meet With Capt.Craig Wieslaw. (14-Okt-2006 6:49)

Dear Friend,

I am Captain Craig Wieslaw of the US Marine Force on Monitoring and Peace –keeping mission in Baghdad-Iraq. On the 10th day of August 2006, we were alerted on the sudden presence of some Terrorists camping in a suburb not too far from Karbala here in Iraq. After Immediate intervention, we captured three (3) of the Terrorists, twenty-six (26) were killed leaving seven (7) injured.

In the process of torture they confessed being rebels for late Ayman al-Zawahiri and took us to a cave in Karbala which served as their camp. Here we recovered several guns, bombs and other Ammunitions including some boxes among which two contains nuclear weapons, one filled with hard drugs(cocaine) and the other four to my amazement contain some US Dollars amounting to $15M after I and two of my junior intelligent officers counted them. I however instructed them to keep this in high secrecy.

I am in keen need of a “Reliable and Trustworthy” person like you who would receive, secure and protect these boxes containing the US Dollars for me up on till my assignment elapses in here in Iraq. I assure and promise to give you 20% of this fund, however feel free to negotiate what you wish to have as your percentage in this business..

Please assure me of your keeping this topmost secret to protect my job with the US Monitoring and Peace-Keeping mission. You can contact me via this

Sincere regards,

Capt.Craig Wieslaw.

Another security company story

This is not that easy to read, as the original e-mail was in HTML

Original Message
Subject: FROM: MR. MOHAMMED ALTAF (14-Okt-2006 10:41)

FROM: MR. MOHAMMED ALTAF I do seriously need your help because I am disabled from a motor accident and can not travel abroad for business and otherwise on Doctor’s orders. I was an Oil consultant based in the United Kingdom, and because I helped a lot of foreign Crude Oil Companies to get Crude Oil Lifting Rights and lucrative Oil Contracts from ASIA AND AFRICA, I was able to amass a fortune worth about USD20million. On 21st December, 2004, I left the UK finally with my family, and came back to BENIN Rep. But because of the unfavourable political and economic climate in Benin, and for security reasons, I left my money total USD20million in a Security Safe Deposit vault compnay. On 22nd December, I and my whole family was involved in a very bad accident on our way home to our Village at IGOLO in PORT-NOVO, about 300 km from COTONOU, BENIN; I lost my entire family in the accident, and I myself fell into a coma since then… I eventually recovered from coma, and was discharged from the hospital two weeks ago. I have no money with which to sponsor any one in Benin to undertake the claim of the money for me; in any case , my extended family here abandoned me in hospital when they realized that the money which I came back with had been spent on hospital bills; I am currently living on the charity of a church. And now, I need your help to collect this money and invest it in a profitable venture abroad; I cannot bring in this money into Benin for fear of seizure by the Government. If the money is properly and profitably invested abroad, I intend to leave BENIN permanently. Can I count on your help? If you agree to help me, I will send you by Post/courier the ELECTRONIC CARD KEY of my vault so that you can open the vault when the security safe deposit company shall cargo the vault to you ; You will then remove the money total USD20 million and transfer it to your Bank Account. For your help and assistance, you will keep 25% of the money for your self and keep 75% for me in safe custody until I travel to meet you and invest my share… If you agree to help me, please reply giving me the following information: 1. Your Complete name and Street (POSTAL) address 2. Your Phone and fax number, including mobile 3. Your confidential email address 4. Your nearest airport where they will land before bringing the vault to your desination . TO PREVENT THE KEY AGAINST LOSS IN TRANSIT, PLEASE KINDLY STATE YOUR CORRECT NAME AND STREET ADDRESS… THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR A HOAX! YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONFIRM THAT THIS EMAIL IS A GENUINE 100% LEGITIMATE PROPOSAL, ONCE YOU REPLY AS ABOVE. Once I receive your reply stating your street postal address as above, I will send you the Safe Deposit Vault Key by EXPRESS MAIL, and I will also forward to you more details of this transaction by email. Details will include the address, contact details of the Safe Deposit Company in London where my money is currently stored… Best regards, MR.MOHAMMED ALTAF PS: PLEASE I DO EXPECT YOUR RESPONSE positive to MY CONFIDENTAIL EMAIL ADDRESS; , EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO HELP ME, PLEASE REPLY ANYWAY AND TELL ME, SO THAT I CAN CONTACT ANOTHER PERSON TO HELP ME.

Gregory is a Controller of which bank?

Now look at how many freemail accounts that Gregory is offering!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: VITAL, READ THIS AND REPLY ME: (14-Okt-2006 12:01)



My name is Mr. Gregory Smith The Acting Manager/ controller Foreign Investments And Bills Republic of South Africa,

I am writing in respect of a foreign customer in one of our banks with account number 908-14-255-114 whose name is Cho Kwiyoung(Mr.), an American citizen who died in a plane crash [Korean Air Flight 801] with the whole passengers onboard on August 6,1997. And for your perusal you can view this website

Since the demise of this customer, I personally has watched with keen interest to see the next of kin but all has proved abortive as no one has come to claim his funds of US$20.5M (Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand
United States Dollars) which has been with our branch for a very long time. On this note, I decided to seek for whom his name shall be used as the Next of Kin as no one has come up as his next of kin. And our monetary laws here does not allow such money to stay more than eight years in the bank, because the money will be disbursed by the government since funds are unclaimed.

In view of this, I got your contact through the internet research as I was making a research on a foreigner who will assist me in this great opportunity. For your assistant I am willing give you 20% of the total

Upon the receipt of your response, I will send you by fax or e-mail the letter of application for the release of the funds which you will fill, sign and send back to our office to enable us start this processing of this claim. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this business is hitch free and that you should not entertain any fear as all modalities for the smooth and easy transfer of this fund has been finalized, this transaction will be completed within seven banking days of receiving your response, after you apply to the National Treasury as a relation to the deceased. When you receive this letter. Kindly send me an e-mail or fax signifying your decision.

Please include your private Tel/Fax numbers for quick communication on my personal email address: or,

Yours Sincerely,


FAX: +27 732 742 076
TEL: +27 839 820 957

Euro Millions Lottery

The same as usual ...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2006/2007 EMAIL WINNER ( CONGRATULATIONS) (14-Okt-2006 16:07)

DATE: OCT 14TH, 2006.
BATCH: EGGS-490-244-777
This is to inform you on the release of the EURO MILLIONS SPANISH LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL held on the 11th of October 2006.
The results was released on the 12th of October 2006. Your email address attached to ticket number 686-055-075-DRI with serial number 999-348-765 which drew lucky numbers 17-87-45-82-66 and won the lottery in the 1st category.
You have therefore been awarded a lump of 1,550,000.00(ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND EURO ONLY) cash credited to file with REF: N EGS/227/858/333 This is from 1the 100 participants finalist playing 100 full tickets in which 10 winners were selected.
Your fund is now deposited and processed by Wincor Nixdorf Security Company and insured in your email address , we only have your e-mail address in our custody and also due to mix up of some numbers and e-mail addresses, we ask that you keep this award from public notice until your claims has been processed and claimed by you. We assure you that your full winning prize will be given to you .
This is part of our security protocol to avoid problems from participants as it has happened in the past.
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 names and screened to 100 e-mails which participated in final lottery from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North and South America, Middle East and Africa .
This programme is sponsored by INTERNET EXPLORER / WORLD INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY ORGANISATION TO PROMOTE and ENHANCE the use of INTERNET EXPLORER . We hope your lucky e-mail address will draw a bigger cash prize in the subsequent programs. To begin your lottery claims, please contact your claims agent,
DR Goldman Wales
Telephone number: 0034-620-692-135 ,
Wincor Nixdorf Security Company
You are required to present your information of identity to show you are the user of this email address and whom to claim this award, either your country passport, drivers license or any other valid identity is required please contact your security company in charge for full procedures on how to claim your award
Remember, all winnings must be processed not later than four weeks from the day you receive this notification.
Any requirement not met before this date,funds will be included in the next stake .
Remember to quote your reference and batch numbers ( BATCH: EGGS-490-244-777 REFERENCE: 54/63/CKT) in every of your response to your claim agent. Further more, should there be any change of address, inform your claim agent as soon as possible.A copy of your lucky winning ticket and all other informations will be sent to you by your claim agent when your award has been processed and transferred , Your claims agent is DR Goldman Wales.
Once again from all members of our staff CONGRATULATIONS for being a part of our International promotions program.
NOTE:winners below eighteen years ( -18yrs ) are disqualified from this programme.
We wish you good fortunes.
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compliance with internal policies and to protect your winning which is from the Euro Million Spanish Lottery Award Promotion 2006/2007 Section.
The contents of any email addressed to our clients are subject to our usual terms of business; anything which does not relate to the official business of the firm is neither given nor endorsed by it.