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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mary Parker has turned up again

This time though it is a short message. If you want to see how often the name has been used just take a look through this list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mrs. Mary Parker
Date: Oct 24, 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: Dea rBeloved,

Dear Beloved,

I am Mrs. Mary Parker,the wife of Mr.Robert Parker both citizens of the U.S.A. My husband worked with the Chevron/Texaco in Russia for twenty years before he died in the year 2003.When my late husband was alive,he deposited the sum of 7.5 Million POUNDS in a Financial House in Europe.

The management just wrote me that the account is DORMANT and if I,the beneficiary of the funds, do not re-activate the account the funds will be CONFISCATED.Presently,I'm in a hospital in Russia where I have been undergoing treatment for cancer.I want someone, who is God-fearing to use this money to fund churches,orphanages and widows. my private mail:

Mrs. Mary Parker

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At 30/3/08 17:25, Blogger Unknown said...

This is disgusting. What has the world come to, using cancer in a scam.

At 30/3/08 17:51, Blogger Michael Holdcroft said...

Gemma, for these people "any story is a good story".


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