Fatima has Cancer and a pile of money to transfer
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From: Fatima />Date: 1 Mar 2007 11:42:29 +0100
Subject: Dear,
I crave your indulgence at sending this mail coming from somebody you have not known before. I decided to do this after praying over the situation.Yous
hould please consider the transaction on its content and not the fact thatyou have not known me before.
I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days.I would like to introduce myself
as Mrs.Fatima Ali, of Republic of Benin, widow to Late Hon.Ahmed Ali(forConsular of the Benin Embassy in Madrid, Spain. I have recently been daigonosed of
Cancer of the Pelvics. I am writing from my sick bed with the help of my house keeper joy.
There is this US$6.8Million my husband has in an account with the Financial Bank,Benin of which I am the next of kin. With my health condition and because
my husband and I have no children, I am looking for a credible person to whom I will pass the right of next of kin based on my unwell condition.
This person will apply to the bank and request for the transfer of the fund to his/her bank account, this on the condition that the fund in questioned will be used for the less previlege people in the society. This is in fulfilmentof the last request of my husband that a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less previleged.
If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately with your full names and contact information so that I will give you details
of the Bank and the CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT that will enable you to contact the bank accountin the bank.
I cannot predict what will be my fate by the time the fund will be transfered into your account, but you should please ensure that the fund is used as
i have described above. though the Doctor said I few months to live because of my health condition sated abov.Response to (fatima01ali@sify.com)
I look forward to your response.
Mrs.Fatima Ali.
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