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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Starting from the beginning?

larry adama: Good Day Sir
Michael Holdcroft: Good Morning Larry
larry adama: OK
larry adama: Sir how was every thing?
Michael Holdcroft: Great and with you?
larry adama: Cool Sir
larry adama: Sir how was the children?
Michael Holdcroft: What children?
larry adama: i think u are married Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: yes
larry adama: ok
larry adama: Do u have child or
larry adama: Children Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: What do want to know that for?
larry adama: Because when i ask u sir ,that how was the children u said what?
Michael Holdcroft: exactly "what children?"
larry adama: ok sir
larry adama: ur babies?
Michael Holdcroft: The only "baby" I have is a German Shepherd
larry adama: OK Sir
larry adama: That Is NIce Sir
larry adama: Sir do u always Go to church?
Michael Holdcroft: what do you want to know that for?
larry adama: Because i love u sir?
larry adama: u are like a father to me Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: ok son, what do you want?
larry adama: Sir i need ur help if u can help me Sir?
larry adama: ?
Michael Holdcroft: I told you your story about the 18 million USD is just not true
larry adama: Sir i promise u Sir it is?
Michael Holdcroft: You don't need to promise me, because I don't believe you either
larry adama: Sir pls do and do ?
larry adama: i am a honest man Sir
Michael Holdcroft: Stop telling me stories and start doing some honest work
larry adama: Ok
larry adama: U mean u are not intrested?
larry adama: Sir if so no problem?
Michael Holdcroft: Larry, do you know that Africans are well known for the fact that they like to cheat Mugus out of their money with stories about 18 million USD in a bank account in Africa
larry adama: ok
larry adama: Sir can u hel;p me with 500 europ to get this deal out?
Michael Holdcroft: Sure I can lend you 500 Euros
larry adama: really?
Michael Holdcroft: Sure just come on over and I will lend you the money.
larry adama: can u send it through western union to me?
larry adama: Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: No, that costs too much. I can send you a check.
larry adama: ok
larry adama: how much can u send me Sir through western union money transfer Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: I don't use Western Union. It's just too expensive. Take a check.
larry adama: Sir please do it by western to me SIr?
Michael Holdcroft: ok, 500 Euro minus the Western Union fee of 14 Euros is 486 Euros. Now let's talk about the interest ...
larry adama: ok
Michael Holdcroft: I will lend you the 486 Euros with 11% interest per day for 7 days
larry adama: ok
larry adama: Ok Sir I will?
larry adama: Should i give u the western union name which u we use to transfer the money to Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: that makes 1009 Euros which you have to transfer to me after 7 days
larry adama: yes
larry adama: so when are u sending the money Sir/
Michael Holdcroft: good what sort of security do offer for the 486 Euros?
larry adama: the tax and for the document
Michael Holdcroft: no, no, do you have any property or land?
larry adama: in nigeria
larry adama: ?

Here Larry was gone for a couple of minutes ...

larry adama: Sir i am back?
Michael Holdcroft: ok, where were we?
larry adama: with the costomer
Michael Holdcroft: what customer?
larry adama: in the office?
larry adama: visitors i have
larry adama: Sir Wat are u saying Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: Then take care of you customers first
larry adama: I have done that Sir?
larry adama: all is well now
larry adama: So Sir tell me wat u mean Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: ok, now where were we?
larry adama: In the private office?
Michael Holdcroft: No, you were going to tell me about any property or land you may have as sucurity for the loan
larry adama: Ok
larry adama: So Sir why do u need it?
Michael Holdcroft: Now if I am to give you loan I need some kind of security that I will get my money back. You know, just like a bank always wants security of a loan from it's customers. You do work for a bank don't you?
larry adama: ok
larry adama: how much loan do u have to lend me?
larry adama: and what security do u need from me Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: I thought you wanted 500 USD. After taking off the Western Union fee, that makes 486 Euros. After 7 days you pay me 1009 Euros back. I need a contract over any type of property or land you may have, that if you default on the loan that I can get my money back by selling the property or land.
Michael Holdcroft: it's simple really
larry adama: yes
larry adama: that is a nice ideal
larry adama: i said i need 500 europ
larry adama: not dollars
Michael Holdcroft: oos, my mistake.
Michael Holdcroft: Now do you have any land or property?
larry adama: so if i have sir how can i give u Sir?
larry adama: to collect the 500 europ
Michael Holdcroft: Easy you sign over the rights to the land or property at a notary. The signed and from the notary confirmed affidavit should be sent to me as security. After which I send you a check over 486 Euros
larry adama: ok
larry adama: so how?
Michael Holdcroft: First of all do you have any property or land which you can offer as security for the loan?
larry adama: no
larry adama: all i have is my id card
larry adama: and my house in london
Michael Holdcroft: ok the house in London could be ok. Where is it?
larry adama: is in london
Michael Holdcroft: yes, and the address? Can a Notary in London set up the Affidavit?
larry adama: yes
larry adama: the address is here
larry adama: 8405 buffalo ave apt #2
larry adama: did u get that Sir
Michael Holdcroft Ok, I'll send someone to have a look at the property and see if it is suitable. I'll let you know if I am willing to accept it as security for the 486 Dollar loan.
larry adama: that is mine Address in london
Michael Holdcroft: Good
larry adama: ok
Michael Holdcroft: I'll get back to you when I have the information about the property from my partner in London
larry adama: so should i give u the name to send it through western union
Michael Holdcroft: If you want, but it will take some time to get all the details sorted out
larry adama: how many times Sir?
larry adama: and when are u sending It?
larry adama: Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: I should think that my partner in London will be able to get the information about your house in London back to me by next week. After which you have to assign a Notary to set up the transfer papers and send me the signed and witnessed copies. That should take 2 to 3 weeks. After which I send you a check over 486 Dollars.
larry adama: no
larry adama: i disaggree
Michael Holdcroft: About what?
larry adama: i dont agreee Sir
larry adama: i dont need check
larry adama: send it through western union
Michael Holdcroft: Why not it's completly legitimate
Michael Holdcroft: Ok, I can send the 486 Dollars through Western Union
Michael Holdcroft: I will do that as a sign of good will
larry adama: yes
larry adama: yes
larry adama: may be u should send the money then i will get a sign on the house
Michael Holdcroft: I can't send any money without any security. First the Affidavit and then the money
larry adama: Did u get that Sir?
larry adama: I said u should lend me when the money get to me i will give u a share of %$18
Michael Holdcroft: I thought you only had 14,8 million USD
larry adama: yes
larry adama: in the bank
larry adama: looking for some one to cliam it for me
Michael Holdcroft: I see
larry adama: with his account number
larry adama: that is all
larry adama: and assit me in what ever the bank needs before the money get in to the forieng account?
Michael Holdcroft: What does that have to do with the 486 Dollars?
larry adama: to pay the tax before the money get in to ur account and the document the bank may need from us?
Michael Holdcroft: I see
Michael Holdcroft: But, what has that to do with me?
larry adama: because i need ur account number whrere the bank we transfer the money in to
larry adama: so that whatever the bank needs from u when u mail the bank with ur account information they we tell u what to do next before the money can get in to ur account Sir?
larry adama: So that is why i am making u to know the way iam trying to let u understand Sir?
larry adama: are u there
Michael Holdcroft: I am on the phone
larry adama: ok
larry adama: are u through Sir
larry adama: ?
Michael Holdcroft: Larry some people have to work for a living, so just be patient
larry adama: Ok Sir?


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