Larry is back!
This is the second of a series of IM conversations with Larry. There is more to come:
larry adama Good Day Sir
Michael Holdcroft: Hi larry, what sort of story do want to tell me today?
larry adama: Sir Is about the Transaction
Michael Holdcroft: ok, what do you want?
larry adama: Now i am at home chating with u Sir
larry adama: All needs my Bank Manager needs is where they we transfer the $14.8million in to?
Michael Holdcroft: Transfer what where?
larry adama: That amount of moNEY sIR
Michael Holdcroft: what money?
larry adama:Did you read the details Sir?
larry adama: My Manager sent to u?
Michael Holdcroft: Oh yes I did
larry adama: Ok Sir
larry adama: what did he write to u Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: he sent me a typical Nigerian or 419 scam e-mail
larry adama: How did u know is a 419?
Michael Holdcroft: Because I have been doing this business longer then you have been on this world
larry adama: Did u sure Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: Do you want to tell me that this is not a 419 scam?
larry adama: yes
larry adama: sir
Michael Holdcroft: You will have to prove that
larry adama: yes
larry adama: With the Certificate Attach over there with u Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: Come on, I can do something like that with Word
larry adama: Serious Sir
larry adama: i am very confidential with u sir
larry adama: i Will Always BE there for u Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: That is really reassuring
larry adama: Yes Sir
larry adama: Be Honest to me Sir
larry adama: And i we Be there with you Through This Transaction Sir?
larry adama: And i we Do the respecting for u Sir
Michael Holdcroft: The only one who is not honest is you
larry adama: Sir i am Honest Sir
larry adama: I promis u Sir
larry adama: Trusth me Sir?
Michael Holdcroft: You will have to do a lot to convince me you are honest, that this is not a 419 scam and you are not a crook
larry adama: Yes Sir
larry adama: ?
larry adama: I am not Sir
larry adama: U we see that this is a real Transaction
larry adama: I promise Sir
Michael Holdcroft: Larry, I will only accept a transaction when you travel here to Europe and give me the money personally
Michael Holdcroft: I'm off to lunch
larry adama: Sir When the fund get in to your account Immediately my Bank Manager is coming there for the sharing of the fund
larry adama: That is why he need your Assitant Sir?
larry adama: ?
larry adama: Are u there Sir?
larry adama: Sir are when are u coming back for the lunch
larry adama: ?
larry adama: i am coming back sir
larry adama: Sir are u there
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