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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fake Job Opportunities the third

The representative or agent scams are on the rise. Although we get this type of fraud e-mail quite regularly, we have noticed an increase during the last few weeks.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Payments/Representative Required... (20-Dez-2005 2:49)


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Mr.leu cheng,we are a group of business men who deal on import and export raw of materials into the Canada,America AND Europe. We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in the Canada,America AND Europe as well as making payments through you to us.

Please if you are interested in transacting business with us we will be very glad. Please contact us for more information. Subject to your satisfaction you will be given the opportunity to negotiate your mode of Which we will pay for your services as our representative in Canada,America and Europe.

Warm Regards,
Mr.leu cheng,
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